

I've had an insane craving for brownies lately, and although it's ridiculously easy to walk to Clements' and pay $3.99 for a little tray of 4 giant brownies, I really wanted to just make my own (not only because it's cheaper, but more importantly because I know exactly what ingredients are in it and from whence they came).

So, I surfed around the web and found this recipe. Now, the recipe says to grease & flour the pan, but give me a break - I'm making brownies, here! Everyone knows that cocoa powder is a million times better than flour if you're making something chocolate!! :) See???
So...this is what they looked like when I pulled the pan from the oven. I wish I could attach the smell to this blog post, because it was astounding!
And this is what they looked like the next morning...they didn't last long! :)

Loie Fuller