
Sausage Stuffed Zucchini Eggplant

I found this recipe after my dear friend Azalia gave me a 4 foot long zucchini this summer, and I had no idea what to do with it beyond making zucchini bread and muffins. :) I found this recipe for sausage stuffed zucchini, and I made some serious mods! I will have to post a picture (and reviews) on Monday. :)

UPDATE: Ok, so I knew the zucchini part of the sausage stuffed zucchini might be a challenge, and boy, was I right! To be fair, I only tried one store, but the "zucchini" they had were not only imported from Mexico, but they were literally 6 inches long and about 2 - 3 inches in diameter - in other words - not suitable for STUFFING. :) So...I stood in the produce section for a minute to mourn the loss of my zucchini fantasy and think of a way to salvage the situation (kind of like the engineers at NASA did when they had to manage all those problems with the Apollo 13 spacecraft...). My first instinct was to scrap this plan and just make a pizza, then I decided to make like Julia Childs and get creative! So...I took a moment to contemplate vegetables that are similar to zucchini...and then I had a vague recollection of hearing about "stuffed eggplant" once. So, I picked out what I thought were the three best-looking eggplants (is that right???) and continued my shopping trip.
Long story short - the eggplant worked beautifully. AND according to my Italian friend, stuffing it with Italian sausage stuffing is apparently one of the most loving things one can do to an eggplant. So, I was happy - I mean, this meal was INSANELY good! Add a salad and homemade mashed potatoes (I wasn't really sure what side went best with this, but it just seemed like a starch was a good plan) to the plate, and you're good to go! Oh, and three really important things about the recipe: 1) the ingredient list doesn't mention grated parmesan cheese, yet the recipe instructions call for it twice, and 2) IMHO, this recipe only serves 2. I routinely double, triple, or quadruple the recipe for 4-6 people...usually about 1/2 meat for each person, and 3) the recipe instructs you to remove part of the zucchini/eggplant to make room for stuffing, then never tells you what to do with it! You can add it back to the meat, but I sincerely believe that ruins the flavor. I leave it out (after trying at least 3 different times to add it back in). I say cook it up separately or just discard it. Bon apetit!

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